Easter weekend I made my favorite icing, tinted it pink and worked with a wide butter knife to spread it across the gentle curves of lemon cupcakes.  It was my Grandmother’s recipe, the only icing I’ve ever really liked.  The recipe got me thinking again about my relationship with my Grandmother who died this past summer.  Later in the week, as I thought about my relationship with her, I felt God lean in close and whisper, “It was a gift.”  So, with gratitude, I return to the memories and feel them for what they are and were – pure grace.  

I sat in my
grandmother’s lap

in a long,
wooden pew

in her old,
ornate Methodist

Church.  The shiny pipe organ

breathed in
and out and a man stood

up front in
a long robe.

Sometimes we

made our way
also to the front

and sat gathered at the feet

of the man
in the long robe,

like ducks, heads tipped

up waiting for the hand that


Returning to
the pew, to my

lap, I felt the summer’s

heat rise in
the old building.  Light

poured in
through stained glass windows

and my long
brown hair clung to the back

of my neck.

Grandmother’s small hands, always

cool, lifted my hair, gently gathering it

up and to
the side.  Then she blew her own

breath onto my exposed neck and air,

cool like a
fresh spring, trickled across.

‘Man cannot
live on bread alone,’

Jesus said
and those hands, that breath,

were grace
to my love-parched skin,

the simple
act of comfort-given and received

while I sat
in the church, in the worn wooden pew,

balanced on
the shore of my Grandmother’s lap.

Photo Source.

*   *   *   *

Welcome to the #SmallWonder link-up.

What if we chose to deliberately look for the small moments of wonder, the small sparks of presence, of delight or sorrow, of true humanity in which we meet God? 

That’s my proposal – that we gather here each week to share one moment of Wonder from each of our days.  

You’re invited to link-up a brief post of about five hundred words or less about a small moment of wonder.  Don’t worry if your post is too long, too short, or not just right – you’re welcome to come as you are.  

While you’re here, please do take a look around and encourage at least one other blogger with a comment.    

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